Thursday, May 4, 2017

JAPAN - Tokyo


For my second blog, I have reached the land of the Rising Sun...


Population: 37,800,000
Distance from Vancouver: 7780 kms

Tokyo being the first city we are visiting, was kind of a shock on the density you would feel. Restaurants / shopping malls / stores/ hotels are layered side by side and on top of one another through many levels. 

Don't let the image above frighten you, the map is easy to navigate once you know your destination. Simply...
1. Pick the Train stop 
2. Find the Line Symbol its on
3. Find the Station Number 
Travel is simple as knowing those details and getting onto the train that heads to that direction. 

As we were leaving Narita Airport, our stop was located on "Z14" - Oshiage (Skytree) We made our way there in a breeze. Our Airbnb was located in a 5 minute walk away from the Z14 station. 

We ended up at "35 Step Bistro" We went down approx 5 flights of stairs. It was a place where we had to remove our shoes to go in for our dining experience. It was an excellent time with great service!

 The next morning, I decided to go for a jog at 6am. It was a beautiful way to see Tokyo in its natural quiet habitat! 5km easy ;)

We had breakfast at this 24 hr restaurant called "Sukiya"

We then continue exploring around the Skytree Tower area

We ended up at a coffee shop with a very mysterious coffee shop where the baristas acted more as scientists, 

The coffee was excellent!!! 

TO be continued :D 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Welcome to the start of my travel blog! I hope you will gain insight towards the colourful countries we are surrounded by. I would like to highlight the country I was born in, my home and native land...


We are a north american democratic country comprised of 10 provinces and 3 territories. We are filled with lakes, parks and cities filled with friendly people .

Our 3 largest cities are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. These three cities act as a hub of commerce and entertainment. The other beautiful cities that make Canada a whole include: Calgary, Edmonton, Quebec City, Winnipeg and Hamilton.

Vancouver is my home town :)  We are known as hollywood north, a place for lululemon yoga enthusiasts. According to some, "We are filled with snobby girls, but great sushi :) " We are filled with wonderful people ready to come out of their shell and say hi, so please make eye contact wth us, we love to chat :)

If you like being outdoors, we are a great city to reside in. Geographically speaking: North is the mountains, West is the Ocean, East is more of Canada, and South reaches to our neighbours, the United States.

Go outside, see lots, eat lots, and get lost, make new friends,
The retrospective colour blogger,